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Latest News
– "Atleta" Vaibhavi from Sharjah, just turned 8 year old, winner of U9 UAETF Tournament in Falcon City, by 365 Open Sports.
– The draw counted with 12 players, boys and girls, and our player got the trophy!!!
– Pictures with DPS Sharjah School Principal, and coach Majid.
Congratulation to her family and coach Majid, thanks for the support.
Thank you @365opensports Open Sports, @uaetennis Tennis Federation اتحاد الإمارات للتنس …
Marco Alifredi, finalist in UAE Tennis Federation event, winning 3 or his 4 matches.
Atletas, always proud of our warriors on the court.
#U10tennis #tennisduba #competition #dubaisports …
Dubai Sports Council Community Tennis League Finals.
– Men`s A Singles: Winner Vlad, Runner up Otmane
– Men`s B Singles. Winner Michael, Runner up Kristopher
– Women`s A Singles. Winner Mary Lyn , Runner up Paula Galvez
– Men`s Doubles: Winner Oleksi & Adam , Runner up Otmane & Franck.
– Womens B Singles. Winner Silvy, Runner up Nafisa.
– Women`s Doubles Winner: Maria Lyn & Mary. Runner up Paula & Sima
Mixed Doubles: Winner Emmanuel & Mary lyn. Runner up Ibrahim & Paula
Thank you Coach Majid for the great help here, UAETF and TopSpin for the support and @losatletas for the management.
#losatletas #uaetennis #dubaitennisleague #communityleague #adultstennis #dubaitennis #funtennis #amateurtennis …